In the heart of New York City, Jack's Wife Freda has become more than just a restaurant—it is a reflection of community, warmth, and a shared culinary heritage. Founded by Maya and Dean Jankelowitz, the cafe's story is woven with threads of personal history and cultural inspiration. Serving Israeli-South African flavours within a space where food, conversation, and connection thrive in every corner. Since its opening in 2012, Jack's Wife Freda has grown to five locations, each embodying a sense of belonging that resonates with guests from all walks of life. At its core, the restaurant reflects the couple's vision of creating a space where everyone feels at home, a vibrant meeting ground where the energy of New York meets the warmth of family.
In this interview, Maya reflects on the inspiration behind Jack’s Wife Freda, the legacy of family, and her favorite moments in the city. From hosting tips to cherished NYC spots, Maya shares her love for New York’s vibrant cultural and culinary landscape, and how it continues to shape the heart of her restaurant.